The Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation is conducting the largest coral reef survey in history: the Global Reef Expedition.  Over the course of 6 years, the Expedition will circumnavigate the globe to study the health and resilience of coral reefs. We are collecting data about some of the world's most remote reefs and building up a picture of how reefs are faring in today's changing climate. The primary goals of the Global Reef Expedition are to map and characterize coral reef ecosystems, identify their current status and major threats, and examine factors that enhance their ability to resist, survive and recover from major disturbance events. The Expedition is providing scientists, governments, organizations, and local communities with maps, information, and science-based solutions they can use to develop effective management strategies for coral reefs. See below for the press kit. For media inquiries and interview requests, contact [email protected].  

Global Reef Expedition Press Kit Itinerary

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