Please find our most recent press releases here.

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  • 2023

    Charting a Course for Ocean Conservation: Meet Our New Leadership Team

    The Living Oceans Foundation is delighted to announce an exciting new chapter in our organization's journey as we introduce a new senior leadership team that will guide us into the future. With their diverse expertise and shared passion for ocean conservation, these individuals are poised to lead the Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation to new heights, bolstering our mission to preserve, protect, and restore the health of our living oceans.

  • 2023

    Inspiring Ocean Conservation Through Art

    The Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation is thrilled to announce the winners of the annual Science Without Borders® Challenge, an international student art contest that promotes ocean conservation. This year's competition, centered around the theme "The Sixth Extinction," encouraged young artists to raise awareness about endangered marine species and the urgent need to protect our oceans.

  • 2023

    The 2022 Volcanic Explosion in Tonga Was the Largest Natural Explosion in Over a Century

    A study led by our chief scientist, Dr. Sam Purkis, used data from the Global Reef Expedition to measure the size of the Tongan tsunami and found that it was similar in size to the one caused by the eruption of Krakatoa in 1883. Despite its size, the mega-tsunami generated enormous waves, but claimed few lives.

  • 2022

    Educators Dive into Ocean Odyssey

    The Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation, in partnership with K2 Studios, has published a set of lesson plans to help middle school students dive into a new IMAX®  film, Ocean Odyssey.

  • 2022

    Findings from the World’s Largest Coral Reef Expedition Showcased at International Coral Reef Conference

    The Living Oceans Foundation is sharing its findings from the Global Reef Expedition at the 15th International Coral Reef Symposium (ICRS) in Bremen, Germany.

  • 2022

    The Bouknadel Statement

    The Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation is a proud member of the Foundation's Dialogue, and signed on to the Bouknadel Statement to encourage a greater investment in marine science from the philanthropic community. 

  • 2022

    Students Beautifully Illustrate a Ridge-to-Reef Approach to Coral Reef Conservation

    The Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation is thrilled to announce the winners of their annual student art competition, the Science Without Borders® Challenge. Now in its tenth year, this international contest engages students in ocean conservation through art, encouraging them to create artwork that inspires people to preserve, protect, and restore the world’s oceans.