Please find our most recent press releases here.

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  • 2019


    The Living Oceans Foundation has partnered with the Alligator Head Foundation to bring the J.A.M.I.N. Mangrove Education and Restoration Program to students in the greater Portland area of Jamaica. This partnership allows more students to participate in the J.A.M.I.N. program than ever before and brings together two organizations that share similar goals to provide educational opportunities for the nation’s youth.

  • 2017

    New publication reveals the health of Fiji’s coral reefs

    The Global Reef Expedition Final Report: Lau Province, Fiji is the result of extensive scientific surveys conducted in 2013 by the Khaled bin Sultan Living Ocean Foundation and local partners. This report contains detailed scientific assessments of the health of coral reefs, surveys of the coral and fish communities, and detailed maps of shallow water marine habitats in the region.

  • 2017

    How Close Are We to a Global Crash in Fish Populations?

    A new film by the Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation and the Smithsonian Channel chronicles a scientist’s investigation to find out how much fish we have taken from the sea and determine how close we are to a global food catastrophe.

  • 2016

    Living Oceans Foundation Announces UM Rosenstiel School Partnership

    Living Oceans Foundation Announces UM Rosenstiel School Partnership: New science collaboration will translate the five-year Global Reef Expedition dataset into insight about the current health of the world’s oceans.

  • 2016

    Students from New Zealand and India win 2016 international art competition

    The Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation is proud to announce the winners of the 2016 Science Without Borders® Challenge, an international student art competition that highlights important ocean conservation issues. The theme for this year’s challenge was ‘Fishing Under the Radar’ and focused on illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing.

  • 2016

    New Marine Science Curriculum Launches Online

    Today the Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation launches an exciting new educational resource. The Coral Reef Ecology Curriculum is a comprehensive digital resource freely available online. It includes award-winning videos, custom-built interactive exercises, games, quizzes, and lesson plans for teachers — all aligned to the latest education standards...

  • 2016

    B.A.M. - A New Project to Restore Mangroves in The Bahamas

    Living Oceans Foundation in partnership with Friends of the Environment (FRIENDS), is taking students and teachers to restore a local mangrove forest. It’s the final phase in a new mangrove education and restoration program called Bahamas Awareness of Mangroves (B.A.M.).