My Year Participating in the B.A.M. Mangrove Project

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Mangrove Education and Restoration Program Blog

My Year Participating in the B.A.M. Mangrove ProjectA guest blog by Keonte Nightingale, Grade 11, Forest Heights Academy and participant in the Bahamas Awareness of Mangroves (B.A.M.) program.



Ever since the B.A.M. mangrove project, I have become much more aware when it comes to the environment and mangroves. I observed a young mangrove grow from a propagule to a tree that can live on its own. I have acquired lots of new skills too.

The first day we experienced BAM it was great. We took notes about the mangroves and we went into the field. I was the first and only person to fall in the mud. We collected baby mangroves (propagules) and planted them. After Ms. Amy left we continued to monitor our mangroves by observing and tending to them weekly. We watched them grow slowly but surely.

Planting our mangrove propagules
Planting our mangrove propagules.

When Ms. Amy came back a few months later we took more notes, this time it was centered around food webs. We went outside and made a real food web using yarn and throwing it around. It was way more enjoyable than you would think. We also observed organisms earlier that day and identified them. After she left we kept caring for our baby mangroves.

Our class building a mangrove food web
Our class building a mangrove food web.

When Ms. Amy came back for the last time we did the routine again. This time we were going to replant our mangroves in the wild. We took them out, we got our B.A.M. shirts and we received the safety talk about how to behave while planting the mangroves. The mud we walked in was very hard to move in but I eventually got adjusted and in no time I was running around. Donte and I decided to race through the mud, but that didn’t go so well.

Walking through the mangrove mud was difficult eventually I found a good spot to plant my mangroves planting my mangroves
Walking through the mangrove mud was difficult, but eventually I found a good spot to plant my mangroves.

All and all, it was an experience I would definitely participate in again. My favorite animal I saw was a little crab that Ra’Von caught. My favorite moment was watching him catch that crab. I definitely recommend that anyone who has the opportunity to participate in this project, to do it.

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