2020 Science Without Borders® Challenge: High School Finalists

Congratulations to the high school finalists in our 2020 Science Without Borders® Challenge!, The theme of this year’s student art contest was “Take Action: Conserve Coral Reefs.” These top-10 finalists were chosen based on how well the artwork exemplified this year’s theme, the quality of the artwork, and the creativity and originality of their artwork. We hope you will be as impressed with the submissions we received as we were. 


“The Reef We Read” by Stacey Lei, Age 16, United States

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Corals reefs are dying because of negative human activities. The lack of awareness surrounding the reefs have contributed to its destruction. Education paves our future. When awareness is spread, the ocean is bright and full of life. The plants and other organisms above the book live in a healthy ecosystem, free of negative human interventions. However, when the awareness of our environment ceases, pollutants begin to destroy the coral reef. This is illustrated underneath the book where the ocean is lifeless, corals are bleached, and fish are entangled in human waste. Pollution is steadily creeping into marine life and joining the jellyfish. The book will close and coral reefs will only exist in history books if the pollution is not stopped. We must take immediate action by spreading coral reef awareness and stop the cycle of waste before it is too late.