2021 Science Without Borders® Challenge Finalists: 15-19 year old students

The Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation is pleased to announce the finalists in our 2021 Science Without Borders® Challenge! This international student art contest engages students in important ocean issues through art. For this year’s competition, students were asked to illustrate one or more of the benefits mangroves provide to people, other organisms, or the environment. 

Entries to the Science Without Borders® Challenge are judged in two categories based on age. Here are the finalists selected from the older group of applicants, students 15-19 years old:


"The Tree of Life" by Anouschka Bechtolsheim, Age 16, California, United States of America

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Artist's Statement: Mangroves are one of the most productive ecosystems in the world, providing a habitat for organisms both above and below water. “The Tree of Life” illustrates the variety of species mangroves provide habitat for. The mangroves growing on the backs of marine animals symbolize connectedness: how mangroves link a variety of organisms and ecosystems. Through this symbolism, I aim to show how the mangrove acts in harmony with the organisms and the neighboring coral reef, providing a sanctuary for biodiversity and filtering out sediment and nutrients for cleaner water in nearby ecosystems. My color usage reflects this meaning. I use vibrant colors to show how the water is pristine due to the help of mangroves, as well as to show how a variety of marine life, birds, and mammals flourish around mangroves. Ultimately, I hope this piece raises awareness about just how crucial mangroves and their ecosystems are.