2022 Science Without Borders® Challenge Semi-Finalists: 15-19 year old students

The Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation is pleased to announce the semi-finalists in our 2022 Science Without Borders® Challenge! This international student art contest engages students in important ocean issues through art. For this year’s competition, students were asked to illustrate one or more of the ways people can use a ridge-to-reef approach to conservation to preserve coral reefs. 

Entries to the Science Without Borders® Challenge are judged in two categories based on age. Here are the semi-finalists selected from the older group of applicants, students 15-19 years old:


"Little by Little" by Si Nuo Li, Age 17, China

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"From my viewpoint, ridges are not simple meant mountains. .The water discharged by humans influences the ocean dramatically,which means people have to introduce practical measures on daily routine to decrease the contamination since the pollution caused inland by human is the one that devastating the ocean and the reef as well. Fortunately,the actions have already been conducted: policies are made,waste water is collected and handled properly before disposal.With the effort made,things are getting better little by little.Thus,I tried to show the most of the process with a more particular example which is the measure fight against the Coral bleaching.Only when people take actions immediately can we stand a chance to save the coral. There are enormous amount of people who care deeply about our world are endeavor for limiting the contaminating process and their faith is the crucial thing we need pass on."