2022 Science Without Borders® Challenge Semi-Finalists: 15-19 year old students

The Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation is pleased to announce the semi-finalists in our 2022 Science Without Borders® Challenge! This international student art contest engages students in important ocean issues through art. For this year’s competition, students were asked to illustrate one or more of the ways people can use a ridge-to-reef approach to conservation to preserve coral reefs. 

Entries to the Science Without Borders® Challenge are judged in two categories based on age. Here are the semi-finalists selected from the older group of applicants, students 15-19 years old:


"A Hold on Fishing" by Stacie Smith, Age 16, Georgia, United States of America

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Coral reefs are vital for the life of marine animals, and marine animals provide a healthy ecosystem to sustain the reefs in return. However, overfishing declines fish populations thus cutting off support for coral reefs. This artwork pushes the need for corporate management regarding overfishing. It addresses the prominent obscurity of this pressing issue and the unawareness from consumers. Depicted is the consumption of fish from a coral reef tank that represents the broad ocean. The fragmented style of the coral is a result of the coral losing nutrients sourced from their aquatic residents. The figure in business attire is representative of corporations restricting the action of taking fish from their habitat, shown by the hand placed on the arm of the consumer. Nevertheless, the head is missing to represent how consumers are blinded to their influence. Direct regulation must be put in place to protect coral reefs.