2024 Science Without Borders® Challenge Finalists: 15-19 year old students

The Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation is delighted to announce the finalists in our 2024 Science Without Borders® Challenge! This international contest engages students in important ocean issues through art. This year we asked students to create a piece of art that highlights the beauty and wonder of life in the deep sea.

We received a record number of submissions this year—over 1,700 entries from 82 different countries—making the selection process challenging yet rewarding. The submissions were breathtaking. Prepare to be amazed by their artwork, which showcases deep-sea creatures and ecosystems and emphasizes the urgent need to preserve the deep sea. 

Entries to the Science Without Borders® Challenge are judged in two categories based on age. Here are the finalists selected from the older group of applicants, students 15-19 years old:

"GALAXIAS - A Galaxy in the Sea" by Muhammad Faris Izzudin, Age 16, Indonesia

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Artist's Statement: Darkness, low temperatures, high current pressures, and a lack of food sources all describe the precarious situation in the deep ocean. However, behind all these facts, the deep sea holds various wonders and mysteries that are interesting to study and uncover. This work depicts an octopus, symbolized by several tentacles, releasing its ink. Where in the ink is stored an unexpected exoticism. Octopus as a symbol of reason and intelligence represents humans and technology. Technology advancement will open up great opportunities for humans to delve deeper into the mysteries of the ocean. Here, I want to show that, in the deep sea, there are amazing creations. Relief motifs and lines depict how intense the water pressure is down there, dark and simple colors represent the mystery of the incredible diversity of marine organisms. This is a galaxy in the sea. A space filled with limitations yet holding millions of wonders.