Alexio Brown

Scientific Diver


Alexio has been fascinated with the sciences since the age of 6. This fascination followed him through high school, where he had the opportunity to study marine science with Ms. Marcia Musgrove. Her hands-on learning and challenging teaching style peaked his interests in the marine sciences and inspired him to pursue a career in marine biology. After graduating high school, he attended The Island School where he learned and practiced sustainability. After graduating the island, he became a BESS Scholar and went back to the island school as an aquaculture intern. His goal for his academic career is to have had a major impact on the Bahamian youth of this generation. To achieve this, he has become a part of a youth organization called the Young Bahamian Marine Scientist (YBMS) which is which is dedicated to celebrating The Bahamian environment through research and art.


Next: Jeanne Brown