Annelise Hagan, PhD

Co-Principal Investigator


11 GCSEs.
3 A-levels (Biology, Geography, Physics),
1 AS-level (Maths).
Southampton University: BSc (1st class Honours) Oceanography with Marine Biology (graduated 2000).
CambridgeUniversity: PhD ‘Reef Regeneration at Alphonse Atoll, Western Indian Ocean Following the 1997-98 Ocean Warming Event’ (Supervisor: Dr Tom Spencer, completed 2004).
Professional Association of Diving Instructors (PADI): Divemaster.
Royal Yachting Association (RYA): Level II Powerboat, Competent Crew (Yachts and Tall Ships), Day Skipper (Shore-based Part).
RYA Restricted Certificate of Competence in Radio Telephony - VHF (Very High Frequency).


Next: Michael Haley, PhD