Andrea Pacheco

Researcher & Observer


Andrea is a Biologist, ornithologist with extensive experience in birdwatching, monitoring and conservation of wild birds and their habitats. She has over 5 years experience as a certified bird bander in Colombia and England, with two years of experience in monitoring seabirds and shorebirds on the island of San Andres. She is also recently trained in the identification of marine mammals. Andrea's main strengths are teamwork, accountability, and ease of learning, among others.
She currently works at the Environmental Corporation for the Sustainable Development of the Archipelago of San Andres, Old Providence and Santa Catalina –CORALINA- as a researcher in the monitoring of marine and coastal birds and the formulation of Environmental Management Plan of The Peak Regional Park on the Old Providence Island. She has also participated in the process of approval of Protected Areas of Biosphere Reserve, and in the evaluation of the implementation of management plans of mangroves on San Andres Island.


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