Alannah Vellacott

Scientific Diver


Alannah Vellacott, a Bahamian citizen, is a full-time student at College of The Bahamas and is currently majoring in Biology and minoring in Chemistry. Although the college does not have a Marine Biology/Science course, Alannah wishes to pursue this and receive her Bachelor’s of Science in this course. Ultimately, Alannah aspires to achieving her Doctorate’s in Tropical Marine Ecology, or something quite close to it. She was the recipient of the BESS (Bahamas Environmental Stewards Scholarship) and attended The Island School, a non-profit institute that creates world citizens through restoring a sense of awe and wonder for nature and by asking the question as to how to live more sustainably. She later interned at The Cape Eleuthera Institute, another non-profit institute that acts as a model for small island sustainability. Here she contributed to shark physiology and demographic projects, aquaculture and aqua-ponics projects. Alannah has contributed to quite a few academic papers and posters from shark physiology to blue hole ethnography and very much enjoys the volunteer work that comes with it. She is currently a rescue diver and is only a few steps away from achieving her dive master certification and wishes to achieve her instructor’s certification.


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