Graeme Brown

Scientific Diver


After completing his secondary education Graeme Brown enrolled in his local college to do the architectural program. Upon completion of his studies, Graeme Brown gained employment at the physical planning department as a draughtsman. After a few years he was promoted to physical planning assistant and within a year he was moved in the GIS lab where he fell in love with Geographic Information Systems.
Since then Graeme Brown have always been working with GIS more than a decade now. In 2005 he was promoted to conservation officer with responsibilities for the coastal area. He began doing something else that he really loves, working in the marine environment. He really would love his daughter, who is only 3 years old, to one day be able to go down with him and see a living reef and enjoy the beauty of it. Ever since he was a boy growing up, the sea has been a major part of his life and, now that he has matured, it still is playing a major part in he life. This is why Graeme Brown really wants to do all he can to save a piece of this great place on earth for all to always enjoy and for his daughters children to enjoy.


Next: Kristen Brown