Georgia Coward

Oceans Watch New Zealand Representative


Georgia has always been interested in the sea and marine life, having spent her early childhood in Dubai and teenage years on the Queensland coast. Returning to the UK with her family she then completed her Bachelors in Marine Vertebrate Zoology at Bangor University and an MSc in Marine Environmental Management at York University. Her MSc thesis evaluated the ecological effectiveness of locally managed marine areas in Rarotonga, Cook Islands. This research and the time spent in the Cook Islands sparked her interest in community involvement in coral reef and resource management. After finishing her MSc, she undertook two protected area internships in London with the Zoological Society of London and Blue Ventures.

In 2014, Georgia was the lead scientist for a New Zealand based NGO, OceansWatch. This position took her on research expeditions to the Solomon Islands and Vanuatu and enabled her to further her knowledge and enthusiasm for community managed MPAs in the Pacific. Georgia was a representative of OceansWatch New Zealand and a member of the education team for the Khaled bin Sultan Living Ocean Foundation’s Solomon Islands mission at the end of 2014.


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