Gaelle Quere

Scientific Diver / Benthic Surveys


Becoming a marine scientist was the only career Gaëlle ever considered. To reach her goal, she enrolled at Pierre and Marie Curie University in Paris and graduated in Marine Ecology. Within her first master thesis, she used microorganisms as indicators of human impacts on marine systems. She then undertook a second master thesis in Australia and studied the dispersal behavior of coral reef fish larvae. During her studies, she took part in various marine research projects that involved interdisciplinary work in Madagascar, Mayotte (French island, Indian Ocean), Canada and Australia. Over the years, Gaëlle developed a special interest in coral reef ecosystems. She realized that coral reefs may act as sentinels of a changing environment and raise awareness about the impact humans have on their environment. She is really concerned that, once damaged, these ecosystems may not recover. For these reasons, two years ago she embarked on a PhD project with the objective to better understand the diseases affecting Crustose Coralline Algae and the effects on coral reef ecosystems.
