Graham Kolodziej

Research Associate


Graham is a research associate looking at the biological and ecological effects of ocean acidification in Dr. Derek Manzello's ACCRETE laboratory at NOAA's AOML in Miami, Florida. Graham primarily deals with using X-Ray scanning, via computed tomography, to determine density banding and growth, calcification, as well as bioerosional, rates of corals to see how climate change and acidification stresses affect these parameters, and what that might mean for the future. It was a love of all things water and nature while growing up in Lexington, Massachusetts that drew Graham to the marine sciences, and that brought him down from the Boston area to Miami. Here he attended the University of Miami obtaining his Bachelor of Science in Marine and Atmospheric

Sciences as a Marine Biology major and graduating as part of the Rosenstiel School's first undergraduate graduation class in December, 2008, and his Master's Degree is to be started soon.

On this expedition, I will be taking skeletal cores of a few coral species, primarily P. lobata, of various lengths and throughout each island or region visited for densitometric analysis, via computed tomography scanning, back in our lab at NOAA's AOML in Miami, Florida. In addition, I will be taking water samples throughout the duration for carbonate chemistry analysis, as well as utilizing instruments which will tell us pH as well as PCO2 for comparison between each area as well as much of the tropical Pacific.
