Judith Lang, PhD

Coral Scientist


Judy Lang is a reef biologist with broad experience in Caribbean coral taxonomy, behavior and ecology, plus exhibits design and outreach education. She holds a Ph.D. in Biology from Yale University and a B.Sc. in Chemistry and Zoology from the former University College of the West Indies (since University of the West Indies). Retired from the University of Texas at Austin where she was a museum curator and lecturer, she provides training/conducts surveys for the AGRRA project, and is traveling an exhibit publicizing efforts to conserve Caribbean-area reefs and coastal communities. Committee memberships include the Southeast Florida Coral Reef Initiative’s Land-based Sources of Pollution Technical Advisory Committee and the Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council, Scientific & Statistical Committee for Corals & Coral Reefs. At home in rural, coastal Virginia, Judy’s local outreach is focused on promoting recycling, native plants and reducing atmospheric CO2 levels.


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