Khalid Al-Shaikh

Scientific Diver


Khalid is a Marine Wildlife Researcher and Director of the Jubail Marine Wildlife Sanctuary (JMWS). He graduated in 1997 with B.S.c in Aquatic Wealth Development from King Faisal University, Kingdom of SAUDI Arabia and joined the National Commission for Wildlife Conservation and Development (NCWCD). Working with (NCWCD) gave him his first opportunity to work as a marine researcher and attend many seminars and courses related to Marine research, especially in the field of coral. He has attended training courses in Japan about coral and coral Conservation, a course about coral information management using the Reef Check methodology, and courses in the field of GIS and sea research. In 1999 he was elected to be the Director of the Jubail Marine Wildlife Sanctuary during which he coordinated and conducted many research activities. He is actively involved in field scanning and examination to evaluate the condition of the Jubail Marine Wildlife Sanctuary and provides support for many researchers and college students who conduct their studies in Jubail area.


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