Mandy Karnauskas, PhD

Scientific Diver


Mandy Karnauskas is currently a Research Fishery Biologist for the National Marine Fisheries Service in Miami. She received her Ph.D. in Marine Biology and Fisheries from the University of Miami’s Rosenstiel School. Before entering her Ph.D. program, Dr. Karnauskas worked with fishing communities and research teams in the Caribbean region. She spent two years in Haiti as a Peace Corps volunteer, working with fishing cooperatives and implementing sustainable development projects. She later spent two years in the Dominican Republic working as a high school science teacher and collaborating with Dominican scientists on marine resource management issues. Dr. Karnauskas’s current research focuses on developing new methods to support an ecosystem-based approach to fisheries management. She also researches the responses of fish populations to environmental variability and works to incorporate this information into stock assessments.
