Sonia Bejarano, PhD

2010 Research Fellow, Research Scientist


Dr. Sonia Bejerano graduated as a Marine Biologist at the University of Jorge Tadeo Lozano (Colombia) in 2001 and then worked for 3 and a half years as a research scientist of the National Coral Reef Monitoring program at INVEMAR (Colombia) measuring the yearly change of the Caribbean and Pacific reefs of Colombia.
In January 2010 Dr. Bejarano completed my PhD at the University of Exeter (UK) working under the supervision of Professor Peter Mumby. During my PhD, I took important steps towards mapping the resilience provided by the process of fish grazing in Caribbean reefs (Belize), and also in understanding the sources of variability of the process of fish grazing on Pacific reefs (Micronesia).
As a post-doctoral fellow in the Global Reef Expedition Dr. Bejarano will have a unique opportunity to continue investigating fish grazing as a source of reef resilience, and its variability across spatial, temporal and anthropogenic gradients, and will endeavour to make this information available for strategic management and conservation of the coral reefs goods and services.


Next: Agnes Benet, PhD