Williams Robbins, PhD

Research Scientist / Shark Biologist


Dr. William Robbins has been researching shark biology since the early 2000’s. He received his doctorate in 2007, with his dissertation examining the abundance, growth, demography and genetics of whitetip reef sharks and grey reef sharks. As part of his studies he also investigated the effects of fishing pressure on reef shark abundances. This work culminated in a number of research outputs, and modification of state fishing regulations. Since that time he has undertaken a variety of shark-oriented research projects, including the further determining of coral reef shark abundances across the Indo-Pacific, telemetry tagging of inshore dusky sharks, analysis of shark interactions with both magnetic and electromagnetic deterrents, quantification of the risks which various recreational fishing methods pose to sand tiger sharks, identification of white shark residency rates, and evaluation of contemporary aerial methods to detect coastal sharks. He is also supervising an honours student in an analysis of grey reef shark interactions with cleaner wrasses on a tropical coral reef.


Next: George Roff, PhD