Month-Long Palau Coral Reef Research Expedition Begins


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Coral Reef Research Expedition Begins in PalauLANDOVER, MD, January 8th, 2015 – Today a massive coral reef research expedition begins in Palau. It is a joint project between the Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation, the Coral Reef Research Foundation, and Palau International Coral Research Center (PICRC). The goal of the research is to build up a complete picture about the health and state of many of Palau’s reefs and to provide a scientific report to all local communities, government and non-government agencies, and relevant stakeholders in the region. This information can directly help with ongoing management and conservation of Palau’s coral reefs.

Executive director of the Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation, Phil Renaud said “The partnership between Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation, the Palau International Coral Reef Center, and the Coral Reef Research Foundation is a powerful force.  All three organizations apply science towards improving resource management to conserve our amazing coral reefs”. He continued  “Human activities imperil the health of reefs worldwide but we understand that people care about these resources and are more than capable to sustainably manage them.  This partnership is about empowering people to make a difference.  We look forward to this Palau mission as we continue along our Global Reef Expedition journey.“

CEO of Palau International Coral Reef Center, Yimnang Golbuu, Ph.D, added “ PICRC is grateful for the opportunity provided by the Living Oceans Foundation to take part in the research being conducted in Palau.  The Golden Shadow allows us to survey hard to get to places in the Northern Reefs, especially around Ngeruangel.  This type of research is important for Palau because it can help us understand how well our reefs and our Marine Protected Areas are doing.  To effectively manage our reefs and MPAs we need these kinds of surveys. They give us the scientific information to make informed decisions.”

The research is part of the Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation’s five-year Global Reef Expedition, a mission to survey coral reefs around the world. More information about the research can be found on the Foundation’s website, In addition to scientific research, the Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation places a strong emphasis on education and communication about coral reefs.

On this research mission the Foundation will be joined by Keith Ellenbogen, a Photographer affiliated with the International League of Conservation Photographers. He will be photographing the work of the scientists as well as some of the unique and beautiful places underwater round Palau.

During the research period the science team will send out daily updates and photos of their work. To track their progress please sign up for email updates on the Foundation’s website,, and find the Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation on Facebook to see more images from Palau’s reefs.

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