Survey provides valuable information on Cooks’ reefs

Dateline Pacific by Don Wiseman March 23, 2020 The Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation has published its latest findings from the Global Reef Expedition – the largest coral reef survey and mapping exercise ever undertaken. The expedition took in …

An assessment of coral reef health and resiliency in the Cook Islands

by International Coral Reef Initiative (ICRI) March 4, 2020 The Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation (KSLOF) has published their latest findings from the Global Reef Expedition—the largest coral reef survey and mapping expedition in history. Released today, the Global …

Global Reef Expedition: Mission to Tonga

Marine Technology Reporter by Alexandra Dempsey April 16, 2020   Assessing the health of coral reefs in the Kingdom of Tonga Healthy coral reefs provide critical ecosystem services for millions of people globally, but with climate change and anthropogenic stressors, …

Scientific survey of Tongan reefs reveals poor status of fish

Matangi Tonga Nuku’alofa, Tonga February 14, 2020 Nuku’alofa, Tonga A scientific scuba diver records fish along a transect line. Global Reef Expedition, Tonga 2013. Photo by Ken Marks.   Alarmingly, very few large and commercially valuable fish were seen on …

Global Reef Expedition: Cook Islands Final Report

The Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation embarked on the Global Reef Expedition—the largest coral reef survey and mapping expedition in history—to study the coral reef crisis on a global scale. As part of the 5-year expedition, an international team …

Global Reef Expedition: Kingdom of Tonga Final Report

The Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation embarked on the Global Reef Expedition—the largest coral reef survey and mapping expedition in history—to study the coral reef crisis on a global scale. As part of the 5-year expedition, an international team …

Largest coral reef survey in French Polynesia offers hope

Mongabay by Shreya Dasgupta December 23, 2019   Researchers who studied and mapped coral reefs in French Polynesia over a seven-month expedition in 2012-13, have found that French Polynesia had one of the world’s healthiest corals, and some of the …