Educators Dive into Ocean Odyssey

Lesson plans now available to accompany a film for IMAX® and other Giant Screen Theaters featuring Her Deepness, Dr. Sylvia Earle   ANNAPOLIS, MD — The Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation (KSLOF), in partnership with K2 Studios, has just …

The Global Diwan’s Blue & Green Security Forum

Featured in Kuwait TV  September 9, 2022 The Khaled bin Sultan Living Ocean Foundation’s participation in The Global Diwan’s Blue & Green Security Forum was covered by Kuwait TV! The event brought together environmental and business leaders from Europe and …

Global Coral Reefs – Crisis Expedition Assessment

In Ocean Geographic Magazine by Sheree Marris Published in the July, 2022 issue   Over half a billion people rely upon coral reefs for their  for their livelihoods, food and culture. The health of entire economies and communities are built around …

The Bouknadel Statement

The Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation is a proud member of the Foundation’s Dialogue, and signed on to the Bouknadel Statement to encourage a greater investment in marine science from the philanthropic community.  The Foundations Dialogue of the UN …

Ocean Decade unveils new set of endorsed Actions on all continents

By IOC-UNESCO World Oceans Day: June 8, 2022 UNESCO has announced the endorsement of 63 new endorsed Actions in the context of the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development 2021-2030 (the ‘Ocean Decade’). The announcement adds to …

2021 Annual Report

Despite the restrictions imposed by the pandemic, 2021 was a truly remarkable year for the Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation. After spending ten years in the field circumnavigating the globe in an effort to understand the coral reef crisis, …