Scientific articles
Coral colonies were sampled in the Austral Islands, French Polynesia, and Cook Islands and ten physiological response variables were measured to understand outliers in the coral communities.
Foraging mode of the grey reef shark, Carcharhinus amblyrhynchos, under two different scenarios
This article on the foraging mode of the gray reef shark published in Coral Reefs journal was a result of research conducted by William Robbins and Capt. Phil Renaud during the Global Reef Expedition missions to French Polynesia.
A massive subtidal aggregation of hermit crabs in Surprise Atoll lagoon, New Caledonia
A unique aggregation of hermit crabs is described at Surprise Atoll lagoon, New Caledonia.
Three new species of Pseudogramma were discovered in French Polynesia, with two new species specifically found in French Polynesia.
Coral reef recovery in the Galapagos Islands: the northernmost islands (Darwin and Wenman)
Coral reef resistance to ENSO perturbations and recovery potential in the Galápagos are influenced by echinoid bioerosion that varies significantly among islands.
A massive subtidal aggregation of hermit crabs in Surprise Atoll lagoon, New Caledonia
Revelation of the unique discovery of a massive hermit crab aggregation at Surprise Atoll lagoon during the Foundation's New Caledonia mission.
The Status, Threats, and Resilience of Reef-Building Corals of the Saudi Arabian Red Sea
This article is a direct result of the research conducted by the Foundation during its missions to the Red Sea from 2006 thru 2009.