Search results for “marine protected area”

Your search for marine protected area returned 182 results

  1. Restoring Jamaica’s Pedro Banks

    Written by Elizabeth Rauer In the 1970’s, Jamaica’s reefs were the pride of the Caribbean, teaming with large fish that supported a vibrant tourism industry and provided seafood for local communities. But overfishing, disease, hurricanes, and development pressure degraded many …

  2. Chagos Archipelago

    For our final Global Reef Expedition Mission, we traveled to the Chagos Archipelago, also known as the British Indian Ocean Territory (BIOT), a small island chain in the middle of the Indian Ocean. Chagos is home to some of the most remote, …

  3. Month-Long Palau Coral Reef Research…

    LANDOVER, MD, January 8th, 2015 – Today a massive coral reef research expedition begins in Palau. It is a joint project between the Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation, the Coral Reef Research Foundation, and Palau International Coral Research Center …

  4. The status of coral reefs and associated…

    The Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation conducted a research mission to Pedro Bank, Jamaica in 2012 as part of its Global Reef Expedition. This scientific article on the Status of Coral Reefs of Commercial Importance in Jamaica is a …

  5. Far-Reaching Education

    Today, was our last day conducting coral reef education programs throughout the Solomon Islands. I can’t believe how quickly time has passed here. It just seems like yesterday when we were conducting our first program. Over this past month, I …

  6. Partners in Education

    I am really excited to be aboard the M/Y Golden Shadow for the second half of the Living Oceans Foundation’s (LOF) Solomon Islands mission. I have joined the LOF education team and I am representing a partner organization, OceansWatch. OceansWatch …

  7. Solomon Islands Reef Survey Reveals…

    LANDOVER, MD, November 24, 2014 – The Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation has completed a large-scale survey of Solomon Islands reefs, and what they saw was quite unexpected. The team of scientists boarded the M/Y Golden Shadow at the …

  8. Living Oceans Foundation Hosts the Catlin…

    The incredible folks from Catlin Seaview Survey are onboard the Shadow with us, here is an update from Ben Neal: I am the Shallow Reef Team Leader this year for the Catlin Seaview Survey, working as part of the Coral …

  9. Sea Turtle Sanctuary

    Today was our last day surveying the Arnavon Islands. The sun was out, the seas were calm, and the diving was spectacular. The Arnavon Islands are uninhabited; however, they are looked after by three communities: Katupika, Kia, and Wagina. Throughout …

  10. Swimming the Seven Seas

    By Alison Barrat In August this year the Foundation teamed up with endurance swimmer Lewis Pugh to complete seven long-distance swims in under a month. He is the United Nation’s Patron of the Ocean, and the goal of the challenge …