Search results for “marine protected area”

Your search for marine protected area returned 182 results

  1. Great Barrier Reef

      In September of 2014, the Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation completed a detailed assessment of coral reefs in the Northern Great Barrier Reef (NGBR) on the Global Reef Expedition. Once again, the Foundation brought along an iLCP photographer …

  2. The Red Sea Atlas

    By Gwilym Rowlands In 2005 the Foundation first started mapping offshore reefs in the Saudi Arabian Red Sea. We’ve been working for years to collect data about the shape, structure, and species that make up these reefs and transforming it …

  3. New Caledonia

    The Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation explored the reefs of New Caledonia on the Global Reef Expedition, conducting extensive coral reef surveys and creating detailed maps of the seafloor. From October through November of 2013, KSLOF scientists worked in …

  4. Fearless Sharks and Gender Changing Fish

    When we set out to survey the reefs on Pedro Bank, Jamaica, we didn’t know that we were going to find two fish mysteries to solve: one about small stoplight parrotfishes and the other about much larger nurse sharks … …

  5. Cook Islands

    The Living Oceans Foundation conducted coral reef research in the Cook Islands as part of our Global Reef Expedition. From April 23 to May 6, 2013, our scientists worked alongside researchers from the Ministry of Marine Resources, members of the …

  6. Farasan Islands

    Throughout the month of May 2006, the Living Oceans Foundation led a collaborative research project in the south-central Red Sea in the vicinity of the Farasan Islands Marine Protected Area. The multi-national science team members provided ‘live’ daily reports of …

  7. Farasan Bank

    The Living Oceans Foundation conducted coral reef research in the Farasan Bank, a series of islands along the Red Sea coast of Saudi Arabia. The Farasan Bank covers an area of about 350 miles north to south and 30 miles …

  8. US Virgin Islands

    The Living Oceans Foundation conducts coral reef research in the US Virgin Islands. Our scientists conduct extensive local mapping of coral reefs through aerial surveys using remote sensing carried out aboard the Golden Eye, our Cessna amphibious aircraft. The information …

  9. Colombia

    The Living Oceans Foundation conducts coral reef research in the San Andres Archipelago, a series of remote islands, submerged banks, atolls and coral reefs in the southwestern Caribbean Sea off the coast of Colombia. Three islands in the north end …

  10. MPA Hooray!

    In the middle of towing Ron across the local marine protected area (MPA) set up in front of Mavana Village, on Vanuabalavu Island, he popped his head up to shout, “Hey, this MPA is really working! The fish are huge. …