Search results for “marine protected area”

Your search for marine protected area returned 182 results

  1. Shrinking shark numbers on the Great Barrier…

    New evidence suggests that reef sharks exert weak control over coral reef food webs Shark populations are dwindling worldwide, and scientists are concerned that the decline could trigger a cascade of impacts that hurt coral reefs. But a new paper published …

  2. Scientists publish latest findings from the…

    Eco Magazine February 4, 2020   The Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation has published their findings from extensive coral reef surveys conducted in the Kingdom of Tonga. Released today, the Global Reef Expedition: Kingdom of Tonga Final Report contains critical information …

  3. Scientific survey of Tongan reefs reveals…

    Matangi Tonga Nuku’alofa, Tonga February 14, 2020 Nuku’alofa, Tonga A scientific scuba diver records fish along a transect line. Global Reef Expedition, Tonga 2013. Photo by Ken Marks.   Alarmingly, very few large and commercially valuable fish were seen on …

  4. Global Reef Expedition: Findings from the…

    The Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation has published our findings from extensive coral reef surveys conducted in the Kingdom of Tonga. Released today, the Global Reef Expedition: Kingdom of Tonga Final Report contains critical information on the health and resiliency …

  5. Scientists publish findings on the health of…

    The Global Reef Expedition: Kingdom of Tonga Scientists publish latest findings from the largest coral reef expedition in history The Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation has published their findings from extensive coral reef surveys conducted in the Kingdom of …

  6. Alligator Head Foundation leading mangrove…

    BUZZ By Gavin October 8, 2019 The Alligator Head Foundation in East Portland has moved to redirect the focus of science students in the parish, by swapping aspects of the biology curriculum to give children a better appreciation of forests …

  7. The Capture of the Asian Warrior

    One of the focuses of our filming in Senegal was to look at the impact of illegal fishing on the Senegalese fishing industry. We are working with Dyhia Belhabib Ph.D, from the Sea Around Us of the University of British …

  8. LSU Natural Resource Alumni Assist Project…

    LSU School of Renewable Natural Resources Alumni assists with Project JAMIN (Mangrove Restoration Project) during Reunion in Jamaica A guest blog written by the ‘LSU Wildlife Crew’ who accompanied the KSLOF Education Director to Jamaica for this last phase of …

  9. High Seas Protection

    Scientists convene in Paris Written by UNESCO World Heritage Centre Christmas Eve 1968 might seem like a strange date to mark as a pivotal point in our understanding of Earth. Yet it was on that date that William Anders of …

  10. High Seas Protection

    Scientists convene in Paris Written by UNESCO World Heritage Centre Christmas Eve 1968 might seem like a strange date to mark as a pivotal point in our understanding of Earth. Yet it was on that date that William Anders of …