Search results for “marine protected area”

Your search for marine protected area returned 182 results

  1. BIOT’s Bounty – Part Two

    Expedition Log: BIOT – Day 27 In many ways, BIOT is a biogeographic crossroad in the central Indian Ocean. The archipelago is located in an area affected by extreme climate variability. In adjacent parts of the Indian Ocean, many of …

  2. First Underwater Atlas of the Bahamas…

    Nassau – The Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation, along with the Bahamas National Trust (BNT), recently presented a new Bahamas Underwater Atlas to the Right Honourable Perry Christie, Prime Minister of The Bahamas and the Honourable Khaalis Rolle, Minister …

  3. First Underwater Atlas of the Bahamas…

    Nassau – The Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation, along with the Bahamas National Trust (BNT), recently presented a new Bahamas Underwater Atlas to the Right Honourable Perry Christie, Prime Minister of The Bahamas and the Honourable Khaalis Rolle, Minister …

  4. Surprise in Surprise Atoll: A Cast of Hermit…

    Written by Serge Andrefouet While scientific expeditions are generally driven by precise objectives implying rigorous data collection and protocols, they also occur in the wild, in an uncontrolled environment. Generally, we wish for surprise encounters with charismatic mega-fauna that could …

  5. Grouper Aggregation

    Expedition Log: BIOT – Day 9 Blacksaddled Groupers (Plectropomus laevis) are aggregating in Chagos. Groupers are usually solitary fish, except when it comes to spawning, when small groups or larger aggregations form to release large quantities of eggs and sperm …

  6. Palau’s Rock Islands Southern Lagoon: What…

    Expedition Log: Palau – Day 4 Today, as we prepare to leave the Rock Islands and head to Negerumekao – the Global Reef Expedition’s next research site in Palau – we take a minute to reflect on the stunning natural …

  7. Stories of a Fish Surveyor

    Marine parks have been introduced worldwide to preserve biodiversity and protect important underwater habitats. Protected zones serve as baselines for undisturbed, natural ecosystems that can be used to measure the effects of human activities in other areas, and thereby help …

  8. Significance of new records of Tridacna…

    The Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation conducted a research mission to the Tuamotu and Gambier Archipelagos of French Polynesia in late 2012 and early 2013 as part of its Global Reef Expedition. This article on the significance of new …

  9. Red Coral: What's the Future?

    By Alison Barrat Clear, scientific information helps policy makers to make decisions about marine management, but it’s rare that they keep everyone happy. But what about when the information is clouded with differing opinions, how do you make decisions that …

  10. Sea Turtles of Tonga

    Today we arrived in the Niua Island Group. The science team will spend the next two days surveying Niuatoputapu, while the education team will provide land-based education programs. These are also the last two days of our Tonga mission before …