Sneaky Sea Turtle

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Typically, people scuba dive to see beautiful coral reefs that are teeming with life. For most of us (scientists), we are focused on getting our work done, and it’s often difficult to fully appreciate all that is going on around us. However, on occasion, something special comes along and surprises us…

A few days ago, I was on a dive in Kerehikapa Island in the Arnavon Island Group. It was another typical dive where my head was down and I was focused on collecting Pocillopora coral samples. Then, I noticed something moving out of the corner of my eye that got my attention. Just as I was looking up to see what it was, I saw a large male green sea turtle heading towards me.

I fumbled around with my assortment of gear that I usually have attached to me, and finally I found my camera. I looked up and I saw the sea turtle looking down at me. Just a few inches above my lens, I managed to capture the evidence of this event in a photograph before it turned sideways to swim over and check out what the other scientists were up to.

Sneaky Sea Turtle

Over the sixty dives that we typically do while on the Global Reef Expedition missions, it is moments like these that I will always cherish and remember.


Photo by João Monteiro.

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