Exploring Coral Reefs of Monkey Shoals

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Our morning dives were located at Monkey Shoals, a submerged bank that lies about 3 miles offshore between St. Kitts and Nevis and west of the Narrows.  The reef structure is reminiscent of a Pacific atoll, without the typical emergent …

Building Local Research Capacity

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In continuation of the Foundation’s efforts in outreach and education, the Foundation’s Chief Scientist, Dr. Andy Bruckner, led a coral reef monitoring workshop for St. Kitt’s divers and conservation officers on board the M/Y Golden Shadow. The day opened with …

Welcome to St. Kitts and Nevis

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Today we are embarking on the second leg of the Global Reef Expedition. Destination: the Federation of St. Kitts and Nevis (AKA Saint Christopher).   The twin islands are part of the West Indies, in the eastern Caribbean, roughly east of …