Meet Our Middle School 2018 Science Without Borders® Challenge Winners

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After we announce the winners of our Science Without Borders® Challenge, I get a lot of questions about the students. Where are they from? How long have they been interested in art? Are they planning on studying art at university? The incredible artwork …

Meet Our High School 2018 Science Without Borders® Challenge Winners

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Another Science Without Borders® Challenge has come to a conclusion. We received over 600 pieces of artwork from 38 different countries, each a unique and individual piece portraying Why Coral Reefs Matter. Once again, I’m in awe at the artistic abilities of our youth. …

Bringing the Message to Many

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My two weeks aboard the Golden Shadow have come to a close. During that time, I spent the days diving with the science team.  At night, as the ship swayed with the swells of the ocean, I reflected on their research as …