Empowering Youth: The Return of our Mangrove Education & Restoration Program to Bahamian Schools

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The definition of partnerships had a newfound meaning to Bahamians who experienced Hurricane Dorian in September 2019. So many relief organizations selflessly came to our rescue from so many different avenues, showing us the true meaning of partnership and dedication to our islands. As the island of Abaco has rebuilt over the past four years, we have been grateful for those partners eager to continue working with us as we come back stronger. Friends of the Environment (FRIENDS) is grateful for the partnership with the Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation (KSLOF) in bringing the Bahamas Awareness of Mangroves (B.A.M.) program back to Abaco this year…

Lau Seascape Initiative

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The Lau Seascape Initiative (LSI) is a program that focuses on the conservation and protection of marine ecosystem resources in the Lau region of Fiji. With multiple stresses such as climate change and overharvesting of coastal fisheries, the Indigenous peoples of Lau, in conjunction with the NGO Conservation International, have joined together to create a roadmap for protecting Lau’s biodiversity and ecosystems while in tandem with promoting sustainable development solutions for the local stakeholders.

One of the goals of this program was to bring together scientists, traditional leaders, government officials, and the people of Lau for the LSI Planning Retreat. The retreat took place in early March of this year in Suva, Fiji’s capital city. I was asked by Conservation International to speak to the LSI group about past work conducted in Lau by The Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation (KSLOF) as well our future work with our in-country conservation partner the Pacific Blue Foundation. The title of my presentation Reefs of Lau Province: Past, Present, and Future, explains local, regional, and global context for status of the Lau reefs and what new technologies and methods KSLOF is helping refine for sustainable coral reef management…

Science Without Borders: Our Approach to Co-Design

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Earlier this month, H.R.H. Princess Hala bint Khaled bin Sultan spoke about the importance of conducting science for sustainable development at the Third Foundations Dialogue Meeting in Monaco.

Hosted by the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation on behalf of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO, this high-level event brought philanthropic organizations from around the world together in an effort to align our efforts in support of the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development, known as the “Ocean Decade.” Together, we are helping the Ocean Decade attain ‘the science we need for the ocean we want.’

As the President of the Living Oceans Foundation, Princess Hala spoke eloquently about her own journey into marine conservation and the Foundation’s work to preserve healthy oceans for current and future generations. She also highlighted the value of embracing a philosophy of co-design — working with community members as equal partners when developing science-based solutions for ocean conservation. In her speech, she called upon the global marine philanthropic community to work together and reach across borders to find solutions that can lead to a healthier ocean for all.

See what she said in her speech from the opening session, which was attended by HSH Prince Albert II of Monaco, HRH Princess Lalla Hasnaa of Morocco, and Mrs Audrey Azoulay, Director General of UNESCO, along with many other esteemed guests:

Joining Forces for Marine Conservation

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The Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation and the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation have reached a momentous agreement to work together to safeguard our oceans. Recognizing their mutual interest in protecting ocean health for current and future generations, the two foundations formalized their partnership by signing a memorandum of understanding (MoU) at the Third Foundations Dialogue meeting in Monaco. The signing ceremony was graced by the presence of His Serene Highness Prince Albert II of Monaco and Her Royal Highness Princess Hala bint Khaled bin Sultan.

Organized by the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO, the Foundations Dialogue Group provides a platform for the philanthropic community to collaborate and work together to move the needle towards ocean conservation. The Third Foundations Dialogue Meeting is being hosted by the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation at the Monte Carlo Bay Hotel & Resort from June 14-16. It provides a unique opportunity for foundations to collaborate and see how they could align their efforts to achieve the bold ambitions of the United Nations Ocean Decade for Sustainable Development, known as the “Ocean Decade.”

Diving into Ocean Literacy on World Oceans Day

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For over two decades, the Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation has been at the forefront of marine conservation, striving to protect and restore the world’s oceans through cutting-edge research, education, and outreach initiatives. In this time, one of the …

Fire Walking

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As the sun begins to set and the lagoonal waters are calm, I begin to smell the strong aroma of burning coconut husks and leaves as we approach the beach near the village Rukua on Beqa Island. The Pacific Blue Foundation (PBF) team and I are attending a fire walking ceremony, an important cultural and spiritual exercise that has its roots strongly tied in with the Beqa Island community.

Fire walking is a traditional ritual that has been practiced in various cultures around the world for centuries. One of the most well-known places where this ritual is still performed is in the Beqa Lagoon in Fiji. This ancient tradition is not only a testament to the Fijian culture but also a spectacular event that draws tourists from all over the world…

Safeguarding the unique biodiversity of the Beqa Lagoon for future generations

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Bula! My name is Ulamila Matairakula and I am the Environmental Officer for the Pacific Blue Foundation (PBF). My work largely revolves around the Beqa Lagoon Seascape with interacting with local communities and villages about their marine resources. Being a Fijian …

Vote for your favorite artwork in the 2023 Science Without Borders® Challenge!

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It’s time to cast your vote for the best artwork in the 2023 Science Without Borders® Challenge! This annual art contest, run by the Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation, is designed to raise awareness about important ocean issues and engage students in ocean science and conservation through art.

This year’s theme is “The Sixth Extinction,” and students from around the world have submitted their best artwork of endangered species that call the ocean home. The artwork is judged in two categories based on age, with winners selected from younger students (11-14 years old) and older students (15-19 years old). But that’s not all — there’s also a “People’s Choice” award that you can help decide!

To cast your vote, simply head over to the Living Oceans Foundation’s Facebook page and “like” your favorite photo in the photo gallery of the finalist’s artwork from each age group. It’s that easy! The finalists with the most likes in each category by noon ET on Tuesday, May 16th will be crowned the “People’s Choice” winners and receive a $50 scholarship.

2023 Science Without Borders® Challenge: Introducing the 15-19 Year-Old Finalists

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The response to our Science Without Borders® Challenge has been overwhelming! We’ve been blown away by the sheer number of submissions that we received from aspiring young scientists and artists all over the world. Last week, we proudly unveiled the finalists in the 11-14 age group, and now, we’re ecstatic to announce the finalists in the 15-19 year-old category.

These young artists hail from all corners of the globe, including China, Indonesia, Korea, the Philippines, Poland, Singapore, Spain, the United Kingdom, and the United States. You will be amazed at their incredible artwork and how well they captured the essence of the theme, “The Sixth Extinction.” Students depicted a diverse range of endangered marine animals in their artwork including whales, fish, polar bears, sharks, sea otters, horseshoe crabs, seals, and crocodiles. We were amazed by these students’ boundless creativity, execution of the theme, and artistic abilities.

Without further ado, please meet our talented 15-19 year old finalists!