The Global Reef Expedition: A mission to assess the health of coral reefs around the world

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In 2011, scientists from the Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation set out on a mission to explore the remote coral reefs of the world. An international team of scientists, photographers, videographers and conservationists, as well as local leaders, were assembled to map, characterize, and evaluate coral reefs throughout the western Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian Oceans. They wanted to take a snapshot of the reefs in time, to survey and map the reefs and assess their health before it was too late. 

Coral Reefs: Trouble in Paradise

  Coral Reefs: Trouble in Paradise tells the story of an international scientific team in the Chagos Archipelago, a tropical paradise in the British Indian Ocean Territory with some of the healthiest coral reefs on the planet. Initially, the scientists …


The Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation hosts numerous events each year to engage and educate the public about marine conservation issues. These range from scientific presentations to photography exhibitions and film premieres. Most of our live events are open …


At the Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation, we strongly believe in the value of a powerful image. Perhaps because it helps make an emotional connection to a creature many of us will never meet, or it illustrates a concealed …


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At the Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation, we know that studying and understanding our oceans is critically important, but it is not enough to save some of the more threatened ecosystems. Conservation and restoration of the marine environment calls …