J.A.M.I.N. Student Voices

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Previously, you heard the voice of the students in our B.A.M. program. Now it’s time to hear how the students in Jamaica feel about our J.A.M.I.N. program. Year 1 Program   “My favorite part of the J.A.M.I.N. program is when I actually got to …

B.A.M. Student Voices

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Throughout the B.A.M. and J.A.M.I.N. programs, we evaluate each program by surveying students in each of the three phases. We use this information to gage how much information the students initially know regarding mangroves and their attitudes towards them before we begin the programs. …

Mangrove Education and Restoration Program Expansion A Success

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With the help of our partners FRIENDS of the Environment in the Bahamas and the University of the West Indies Discovery Bay Marine Lab in Jamaica, we have successfully completed the third year of J.A.M.I.N. and second year of B.A.M. …

Findings from J.A.M.I.N. Mangrove Disease Research

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By Ryann Rossi Since I started researching mangrove disease in The Bahamas, I have become really interested in looking at other Caribbean nations to determine if they too have disease present.  When I first started talking to Amy Heemsoth, Education …

Closing Time – Wrapping up the Mangrove Education & Restoration Programs

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We reached the end of the school year in parts of the Americas. I can’t believe I’m already returning to the Caribbean to wrap up our Mangrove Education & Restoration programs (B.A.M. and J.A.M.I.N.) in this third and final installment. For the past …