Mangrove Detectives

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Scientists are looking to students across the Caribbean for their help studying the health of mangrove forests. This week, Dr. Ryann Rossi, a post-doctoral scholar at the Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium (LUMCON), launched the Mangrove Detectives Project with help from the Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation and Friends of the Environment. Mangrove Detectives is a new citizen-science project that teaches students valuable laboratory and field skills while they document mangrove disease and insect communities in their local mangrove forest. The project provides teachers, non-profit organizations, and environmental educators with free lesson plans, field kits, and laboratory materials to help their students study threats to their local mangrove forest and become part of an international community of Mangrove Detectives.

J.A.M.I.N. Student Voices

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Previously, you heard the voice of the students in our B.A.M. program. Now it’s time to hear how the students in Jamaica feel about our J.A.M.I.N. program. Year 1 Program   “My favorite part of the J.A.M.I.N. program is when I actually got to …

B.A.M. Student Voices

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Throughout the B.A.M. and J.A.M.I.N. programs, we evaluate each program by surveying students in each of the three phases. We use this information to gage how much information the students initially know regarding mangroves and their attitudes towards them before we begin the programs. …

Mangrove Disease – A Citizen Science Investigation

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Mangrove Education and Restoration Blog North Carolina State University (NCSU) student Ryann Rossi is studying mangrove disease throughout the Bahamas. Through a partnership with NCSU, our students in the B.A.M. and J.A.M.I.N. programs are participating in her hands-on citizen science …