Mapping the Proposed Fish Sanctuary with the Starfish

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Another long, three-dive day in the Calcutta, with more lionfish spearing and a sea turtle sighting. While almost everyone else was underwater, Steve Schill and his group—Sean Green, Junior Squire, and Azra Blythe-Mallet—were staying dry, although they were looking at …

Science Without Borders ®

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Science Without Borders ® is a critical component of the Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation’s Global Reef Expedition.  The founder, His Royal Highness Prince Khaled bin Sultan of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, was inspired by the well-known organization, …

Our First Find of Staghorn Coral!

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Our research team headed south for today’s dives, surveying two reefs off the southwestern end of Nevis and one off the northwestern end.  The first site, Caverns, was a raised terrace with large volcanic boulders at its margin and a …

Welcome to St. Kitts and Nevis

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Today we are embarking on the second leg of the Global Reef Expedition. Destination: the Federation of St. Kitts and Nevis (AKA Saint Christopher).   The twin islands are part of the West Indies, in the eastern Caribbean, roughly east of …