Motion in the Ocean: As Live Oceanography Broadcast from America’s Inner Space Station

Motion In The Ocean: A Live Broadcast From America's Inner Space Station

Physical Oceanography Video: Does the Aquarius Habitat as an artificial reef affect its surrounding water column chemistry and flow?

Physical Oceanography Video: We won’t measure the flow speed boundary layer directly, but instead will measure concentration boundary layers using the handheld profiler introduced in Module 4 (Fig. 3). We will test how variable the profiles are around the habitat and whether they conform to the predictions of an organized log layer that has been seen in other habitats for flow speed near the bottom. We also will see whether Aquarius itself, with the host of invertebrates that have settled on it (seen in Module 2), along with the stunning numbers of fishes that use it as an artificial reef (Module 6,coming up), affects the water column chemistry. Does all the biomass in and around the habitat (Fig. 4) lead to a measurable draw-down of dissolved oxygen? The aquanauts wills also release dye at various heights over the bottom around the habitat which will give us qualitative information on that nature of turbulent diffusion near the seafloor.

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