The True Extent of Fishing in the Bahamas
Nicola Smith painstakingly gathered fishing data from a variety of unconventional sources
No one knew the true extent of fishing in The Bahamas until fisheries scientist Nicola Smith painstakingly gathered fishing data from a variety of unconventional sources including hotels, restaurants, and the recreational fishing industry. She discovered that the amount of fish caught in The Bahamas was undercounted by more than 160%, potentially threatening the food security of this small island nation. Learn more about what this means for wild-caught fisheries around the world, watch the award-winning film ‘An Ocean Mystery: The Missing Catch,’ which premieres on Earth Day, April 22. Watch it on the Smithsonian Channel at 8 & 11pm or join us and the stars of the film at the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History at 6pm for a screening and panel discussion. Tickets are free, but reservations are required: