
Thanks for joining the Living Oceans Foundation!

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We do our very best to keep our online community informed of our progress to protect and preserve the world’s oceans and aquatic resources through research, education, and outreach. Our blogs and newsletters will keep you up to date on our work to provide science-based solutions to protect and restore ocean health.

Currently, the Foundation is focused on wrapping up our work on the Global Reef Expedition, the largest coral reef survey and mapping expedition in history. Now that the field research for the expedition is complete, our scientists are analyzing data, publishing reports, and sharing our findings on the health and resiliency of the coral reefs we studied around the world. Meanwhile, our education department is working on adding resources to our award-winning Coral Reef Ecology Curriculum, managing an international student art contest to raise awareness of the need to protect the world’s oceans and aquatic ecosystems, and running mangrove education and restoration programs for students in the Caribbean. To see what we are working on now, check out our latest updates and blogs.

Now that you have signed up to receive the Living Oceans Foundation Newsletter, you should expect to hear from us several times a month. For more frequent updates and to see the latest news from the marine conservation community, follow us on social media:

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