2024 Science Without Borders® Challenge: Introducing the 15-19 Year-Old Finalists

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The response to our 2024 Science Without Borders® Challenge has been overwhelming! We’ve been blown away by the sheer number of submissions we received from aspiring young artists worldwide. Earlier this week, we proudly unveiled the finalists in the 11-14 age group, and now we’re ecstatic to announce the finalists in the 15-19 year-old category.

These young artists hail from all corners of the globe, including Canada, India, Indonesia, Korea, Taiwan, the United Kingdom, and the United States. You will be amazed at their incredible artwork and how well they captured the essence of the theme, “Hidden Wonders of the Deep.” In their artwork, students portrayed a variety of deep-sea creatures, such as anglerfish, strawberry squid, basket stars, Japanese spider crabs, oarfish, and tubeworms. They also depicted mysterious deep-sea environments like whale falls and hydrothermal vents. We were amazed by these students’ creativity, execution of the theme, and artistic abilities.

Without further ado, please meet our talented 15-19 year old finalists! These exceptional artists have not only showcased their incredible talents, but also their unwavering passion for marine conservation.

"Nature’s Wonderland" by Sarah Peng, Age 16, Canada

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Artist's Statement: Contemplating the deep sea often conjures images of unsettling creatures with sharp fangs and distorted features, yet this perception obscures the true beauty of the unknown: the continuously unveiled universe of bioluminescence. In my piece, I aim to highlight the misunderstood charm of its creatures, depicting the collision between the known human realm and the colorful fantasy of the deep sea. As the diver, representing humanity's still developing knowledge, reaches towards a comb jelly’s frame, epitomizing the foreign world of bioluminescence, radiant light scatters across the darkness, symbolizing the beauty of connection. Surrounding them are sea angels, Atolla jellyfish, gossamer worms, firefly squid, Halitrephes Maasi, and crystal jelly, showcasing the remarkable diversity of this seemingly empty region. Thriving in specific conditions between the mesopelagic and abyssalpelagic zones, they symbolize the beauty of untouched life. The comb jelly, notoriously fragile and delicate, highlights the flawless balance of the natural world.

Stay tuned! We will announce the winners in the next couple of weeks.

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