Reef Zones II
Reef Flat
The reef flat is an area that is protected from wave action (figure 11-3). The reef flat can extend for feet to miles (meters to kilometers) and the depth can range from inches to several feet (centimeters to a meter). Corals in this zone have adapted to tolerate a wide range of temperatures, light intensity, and salinity. Additionally, corals have adapted to low levels of dissolved oxygen in seawater. When water temperatures are high (over 104°F/ 40°C), there is less dissolved oxygen in seawater. Sometimes during low tide, corals are exposed to air.
Due to these difficult living conditions, the diversity of life on reef flats is much lower when compared to the other zones. Species in this zone have adapted to these extreme environmental conditions and many are found exclusively in this zone.
Figure 11-3. a) Underwater view of a reef flat; b) The yellow arrow is pointing to the width of the reef flat.
Photo Credits: a) Ken Marks; b) Andrew Bruckner
Reef Crest
The reef crest is the highest point of the reef (figure 11-4). The reef crest breaks waves and receives the fullest impact of wave energy. During low tide, reef crests can be exposed to air. This zone also receives the greatest amount of light intensity, as it is closest to the water’s surface, or even above it. Due to these harsh conditions, not all organisms are able to live here. Corals that do live here must have strong structures that can withstand intense wave action, high light intensity, and aerial exposure in order to thrive in this zone.
Figure 11-4. a) Underwater view of the reef crest; b) The area where the waves are breaking is the reef crest.
Photo Credits: a) Ken Marks; b) Andrew Bruckner
In the Pacific and Indian Oceans, this zone can be dominated by calcareous (composed of calcium carbonate (CaCO3)) coralline red algae. In cases such as these, the zone is often referred to as the algal ridge. These hard algae are found in elevated ridges as well as spur and groove reef formations (figure 11-5) that extend seaward. Spurs refer to the areas that form parallel ridges of coral growth, while grooves separate these ridges and contain sediment and coral rubble that has eroded from the spurs.
Figure 11-5. Spur and groove reef formation
Photo Credit: Andrew Bruckner
Reef Front or Fore Reef
The reef front or fore reef (figure 11-6) is found at the furthest distance from shore. It slopes downward and can reach great depths. Sometimes the reef front extends almost straight down forming a vertical wall called a drop-off.
Most corals thrive in the intermediate zone of the reef front between 15-65 feet (5-20 meters) deep. This is where the greatest diversity of corals exist. In both shallower and deeper parts of this zone, diversity declines and some corals have adapted to living at specific depths. Corals in this intermediate zone are exposed to relatively low wave action and light. Often, corals modify their growth forms in order to survive in different zones (see Unit 9: Coral Growth). For instance, plate corals have more surface area allowing for these corals to receive a greater amount of light. This in turn allows zooxanthellae to create food and nutrients for the corals (see Unit 4: Coral Feeding).
Figure 11-6. Reef fronts
© Michele Westmorland/ILCP
Back Reef
The back reef is an area that slopes into a lagoon. The back reef is often shallow and more protected from wave action (figure 11-7). It can be exposed to air during low tide. Isolated patch reefs often exist here as well as coral rubble.
Figure 11-7. The red arrow is pointing to the back reef of the atoll in Tuamotu, French Polynesia. It is the area of turquoise water.
Photo Credit: Andrew Bruckner