Finalists of the 2022 Science Without Borders Challenge (Ages 15-19)!

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Last week, we proudly announced the finalists in the ages 11-14 category of our 2022 Science Without Borders® Challenge. Today, we are excited to announce the 15-19 year-old finalists of our art contest.

Contest finalists are from China, Indonesia, Korea, Thailand, the United Kingdom, and the United States. The theme, “Ridge to Reef” was portrayed in the students’ artwork through a variety of different actions such as planting corals, cleaning up pollution, preventing overfishing, and planting trees. We were amazed by these students’ creativity, execution of the theme, and artistic abilities.

Without further ado, please meet our 15-19 year old finalists:


"’DARMAYA’ Our Heritage, Our Nature" by Salwa Putri, Age 16, Indonesia

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ARTIST’S STATEMENT: "Human and nature are inseparable things, as land and oceans are one. Likewise, the bridge is a part of two separate realms and as a symbol of the travel within we begin to step to the end of our destination. Sturdy mangrove roots become a balance symbol, protection for the land, and be a home for small animals in the sea. Nature has protected a lot of people, of course, we also have to protect this nature too. This is illustrated with the islands being tied together by roots and connected by bridges. Illustration of mountains with waste which is treated into clear water, running water can live small plants, reforestation produces oxygen bubbles. The plants which we plant can save many lives. The coral reefs which we care for can save fish. The little things which we do will have a big impact on the balance."

Stay tuned! We will announce the winners in the next couple of weeks.



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